Friday, 1 April 2016

3 things people get wrong about introverts

first of all we are all on a continuum, the basic premise that differentiates extrAverts from intrOverts is the orientation of the source from where one gains or draws energy. there are many misconceptions people have about introverts and generally, all introverts are placed towards the end of the introvert spectrum.

1. SHY!!!!!
shy is not an introverts middle name, it is true that we are shy, often arising from the notion that our views are not as important and not as intelligent as our extravert counterparts. some believe that that we are arrogant and have a lot of attitude if we do not talk, but the truth is that we hesitate to talk because of the fear of being judged or saying the wrong thing. we do not like to show ourselves off as it gives us a feeling of being extremely vulnerable, and kind of naked psychologically, in open view. this comment that we are "shy" also builds up to self talk and further strengthening of this attribute within us. we do know how to have fun, but we need time.

2. BORING!!!
say what!! we are not boring at all, its just that your operational definition of what causes boredom is absolutely skewed. some say we have boring hobbies like reading, gardening-more or less a one person oriented task. that's is true but we also love activities that  afford us to interact with "some" humans, we are trying to incorporate you in our lives but do not ever tell us that we are boring cause- its just not a humane thing to say. think about it, first we muster up the courage to come and talk with you, try to have a conversation with you n you say "BORING" not done ppl!!

we are definitely not lonely, when we have our thoughts and observations-you wouldn't know how time passes by. we value solidarity and have come to enjoy our own company. In this age and time, where everyone is struggling to have some "me" time and there are constant quotes reflecting that everyone must learn to enjoy their company, guess what we have done it already. just spending time with ourself, nurturing yourself psychologically as well as physically, is the best relaxation and rejuvenation possible!

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